Ephesians 6:11
As you may or may not know, Sharon and I have always enjoyed camping—tent camping. Some of you are thinking, “This confirms what we’ve always thought. You two are crazy!” But there is something to be said for sleeping outside with just the thin wall of the tent separating you from the elements and all kinds of creepy, crawly creatures. But I digress…. If you want to join us tent camping, you will need to be properly outfitted. Tents, pillows and sleeping bags come quickly to mind. A camp stove and camp cooking gear are also helpful in getting the total outdoors package. And for your sleeping pleasure, a good air mattress proves to be a wise investment. Yes, you need all those things, along with a lot of other camping gear one inevitably acquires. I probably won’t convince most of you to go tent camping, but I hope that I can persuade you about your need to be spiritually outfitted. We are in a spiritual war, and we must be prepared for conflict. Before our government sends out soldiers, it makes sure that they are properly equipped for battle. Our Lord has provided all that we need for spiritual battle, and he tells us to put on what he has provided for us.
What is the “armor of God”? It is the spiritual protection that God provides for his people. In the fullest sense this is Christ himself (Romans 13:14). Since we are in union with the risen Christ, we are to live as full participants in that union, finding our full sufficiency in the Lord. It also includes the grace that flows from Christ through his saving work. The spiritual blessings of redeeming grace are very powerful.
We must settle in our hearts that God has given us what we need for a successful Christian life. We need only lay hold of all through faith in the Lord Jesus. We who follow Christ have already been given all that we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3-4). So then, we need to use this abundant provision (2 Peter 1:5). This is the life of faith. The key idea of the Christian life is a living, active fellowship with the Lord by faith. We exalt God’s fame when we rely on and enjoy all that he is and offers to us.
Grace and peace, David